There is a lot of features that some aimbots will include.

Get Cheats What Features do Aimbots commonly include? In fact the latency issue is a fatal one in this regard as latency is absolutely vital in competitive shooters and the speed of light cannot be surpassed. This will stay possible until games start processing graphics server-side, which would be extremely expensive and would come with lots of lag / latency. While the aiming automation is pretty straight forward, the way an aimbot finds targets to shoot is not as simple: Since a part of any online game, namely the game world around you, has to be processed on your gaming device in order to display the game to you, this graphic memory can be scanned for certain objects, even if they are hidden behind walls, which allows the aimbot to acquire targets outside of the field of view and shoot them the frame they become hittable/visible. – It is in essence a combination of a wallhack / VAC / ESP and a game bot all combined in one. A real full-fledged aimbot is an extremely advanced cheating program that uses both game hacking techniques and automation or ‘ bot’ software in order to find enemies/targets by reading the game memory and finding certain objects in the game world, then locks a player’s aim onto the target using user input, finally shooting the target.