Opengl 3.3 graphics card for sale
Opengl 3.3 graphics card for sale

opengl 3.3 graphics card for sale opengl 3.3 graphics card for sale

Where emulators are concerned, most are open source projects run by one or two people, as such they use OpenGL because DirectX isn't free and again they often just don't bother testing with AMD hardware since they simply don't own any. Then of course you have the problem that AMD's GPU market share means that many small software companies and indie devs don't even bother to test their software on AMD hardware (same goes for Intel's CPU dominance meaning their IGP's get reasonable support, although that's changing) Plus Nvidia do stick their oar in A LOT with smaller devs going so far as to send teams to them to help "optimize" their software for Nvidia GPUs, AMD just don't have the budget for this. AMD have equivalents for many but they're not always supported well by apps. AMD's OpenGL drivers aren't bad exactly it's just that Nvidia's spend more money on it and of course Nvidia fully support all their own OpenGL extentions which a lot of OpenGL games and apps use.

Opengl 3.3 graphics card for sale